Vintage Garden - research for 'Little Abstracts'

L I T T L E  A B S T R A C T S - short descriptions of the natural environment.

While I was walking today I spotted a V I N T A G E  R O S E peaking through a white picket fence. I couldn't resist teaching my son about the importance of literally stopping to smell the flowers.

V I N TA G E  F R A N G I P A N I S 
Beauty is everywhere in the old garden preserved by those who are aware of the importance of history. 

N A S T U R T I U M S and dappled light line the back lane.

V I N E S weave and twist their way through the fence.

I just love gardens that surprise. This winter the fence blossomed with gorgeous trumpet shaped O R A N G E flowers.

An old S T A G - H O R N displays its proud foliage.

Another V I N TA G E  F R A N G I P A N I reaches up to the blue sky and soaks in the precious winter sunlight.

L E A V E S  and S H A D O W S line the garden path.